South China Morning Post India has recorded 151 cases and three deaths, but restrictions on who is eligible to take the Covid-19 test masks the true scale of the situation, experts say. 2020-03-24 00:25:16 To trade or to halt? That is the question confounding global markets as stock indexes plunge amid pandemic A trader wears a mask on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on March 20 as the building prepares to close indefinitely due to the coronavirus outbreak.Photo: Reuters 2020-03-24 00:25:13 Duty Before Self: Doctors & Nurses Are Losing Their Lives So They Can Save Others Duty Before Self: Doctors & Nurses Are Losing Their Lives So They Can Save OthersDuty Before Self: Doctors & Nurses Are Losing Their Lives So They Can Save OthersThe global pandemic coronavirus has claimed thousands of lives across the word and the doctors and nurses who are on the frontlines of fighting the disease, and treating patients relentlessly.This leaves them exposed more than anyone else, and it takes a lot of courage to keep doing your duty, despite that knowledge.In India, a Kerala doctor who had treated a coronavirus-infected man who died in Kalaburgi last week, has tested positive for COVID-19.Don't Miss 7.6 K SHARES 1.5 K SHARES 951 SHARESIn Rajasthan, a doctor at a private hospital was tested positive fro COVID-19.There have been growing concerns about the safety of front-line medical staff who come into regular contact with infected patients. 2020-03-24 00:25:01 Masimo and University Hospitals Jointly Announce Masimo SafetyNet�, a New Remote Patient Management Solution Designed to Aid COVID-19 Response Efforts The COVID-19 health emergency has significantly increased the demand for remote monitoring and patient engagement solutions in multiple settings.Published clinical studies on pulse oximetry and the benefits of Masimo SET� can be found on our website at system�s flagship academic medical center, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, located in Cleveland�s University Circle, is affiliated with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.The main campus also includes University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children�s Hospital, ranked among the top children�s hospitals in the nation; University Hospitals MacDonald Women�s Hospital, Ohio�s only hospital for women; University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, a high-volume national referral center for complex cardiovascular procedures; and University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, part of the NCI-designated Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.UH is also home to Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals � part of The Harrington Project for Discovery & Development. 2020-03-24 00:24:47 Pr�s de deux milliards de personnes confin�es, mais la pand�mie s'acc�l�re La pand�mie de coronavirus "s'acc�l�re" mais sa trajectoire peut �tre modifi�e, a estim� lundi l'Organisation mondiale de la sant�, appelant les pays � passer � l'"attaque" en testant tous les cas et en pla�ant en quarantaine leurs proches contacts.Et les syst�mes de sant�, y compris des pays les plus d�velopp�s, sont au bord de l'explosion.L'Espagne, deuxi�me pays le plus touch� d'Europe, d�plore au total 2.182 d�c�s et plus de 33.000 infections."Tous les habitants d'Abuja et de Lagos sont fermement invit�s � rester chez eux", a tweet� la pr�sidence du Nigeria � propos de la capitale et de la ville la plus peupl�e du pays.Mais si je reste � la maison pendant quinze jours sans travailler, je meurs aussi", explique Jean Naina Rakotomamonjy, un vendeur d'Antananarivo. 2020-03-24 00:24:35 Fear in New York, but Trump says coronavirus lockdown could soon be lifted A lone man walks in the rain in a mostly deserted Times Square following the outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York, U.S., March 23, 2020.Anxiety ratcheted up Monday across an eerily deserted New York, America's coronavirus epicenter, but President Donald Trump said he'd soon call for lifting the lockdown in some parts of the country.Advertising Read more"America will again and soon be open for business," Trump told a White House news conference.Trump senior economic adviser Larry Kudlow signaled a possible policy change in an earlier interview with Fox News on Monday: "The president is right.The White House would look at "a number of things," he said. 2020-03-24 00:24:34 Spanish soldiers find elderly patients 'abandoned' in retirement homes Spanish soldiers deployed to help fight the new coronavirus outbreak have found elderly patients abandoned, and sometimes dead, at retirement homes, as an ice rink inside a Madrid shopping mall was turned into a temporary morgue to cope with a surge in cases.Advertising Read moreThe army has been charged with helping to disinfect retirement homes in Spain, one of the countries worst hit by the pandemic."The army, during certain visits, found some old people completely abandoned, sometimes even dead in their beds," she added.Retirement homes are "an absolute priority for the government", Health Minister Salvador Illa told a press conference.Under coronavirus protocols, health workers have been instructed to leave bodies in place in suspected COVID-19 deaths until the arrival of a doctor. 2020-03-24 00:24:32 IOC urged to make quick Olympic decision as US backs postponement After Canada and Australia withdrew their teams, with the world hunkering down for the coronavirus pandemic, the US Olympic committee said postponement was the best way forward.IOC officials are studying a postponement, among other options, but still believe a decision would be "premature" four months from the scheduled start.USA Gymnastics also said it was "adding our voice to the chorus advocating for postponement", after USA Swimming and USA Track and Field had already urged the US Olympic committee to press for a delay.With opposition to the July start reaching deafening levels, athletes questioned why the IOC needed weeks to come to a decision."The IOC has said it will make a decision in four weeks," he told the Guardian. 2020-03-24 00:24:31 El COVID-19 deja a miles de turistas varados en Am�rica Latina Es la realidad que est�n viviendo miles de turistas de todo el mundo debido a la propagaci�n de la pandemia del coronavirus.Pa�ses como M�xico llaman a sus ciudadanos en el exterior a regresar cuanto antes, debido a la reducci�n en la frecuencia de los vuelos que hace m�s dif�cil la vuelta a casa.Si bien el espacio a�reo cubano sigue abierto, las fronteras est�n parcialmente cerradas y los turistas que permanecen en la isla �unos 32.000- deber�n permanecer aislados en sus hoteles."Estamos coordinando las operaciones para repatriar a miles de europeos que est�n varados en el extranjero.Del mismo modo, Canad� enviar� en los pr�ximos d�as tres aviones a Per� para repatriar a centenares de canadienses que se han quedado varados en el pa�s latinoamericano. 2020-03-24 00:24:30 Les �tats-Unis vont �tr�s bient�t� se rouvrir au monde des affaires, promet Donald Trump Alors que la pand�mie de coronavirus fait de plus en plus de victimes aux �tats-Unis, le pr�sident am�ricain a pr�venu lundi qu'il comptait rouvrir son pays au monde des affaires rapidement afin d'�viter une crise �conomique plus grave encore.Publicit� Lire la suiteAlors que le Covid-19 a tu� au moins 557 personnes aux �tats-Unis et contamin� plus de 43 000 personnes, Donald Trump est press�.Le Dow Jones est tomb� lundi � son plus bas depuis novembre 2016, et les bourses europ�ennes ont �galement chut�.La moiti� des Am�ricains sont confin�s � des degr�s divers, notamment dans les trois plus grandes villes du pays : New York, Los Angeles et Chicago.Les discussions se poursuivaient en coulisses pour tenter de parvenir � un vote au S�nat mardi. 2020-03-24 00:24:28